Nick Catsaras
Managing Director and Private Investor in Sydney NSW, Australia
Since 2010 Nick Catsaras has served as a managing director of Pegasus Research, an independent research and trading consultancy in Sydney, Australia. Specifically, Pegasus Research focuses on algorithmic data analysis and data mining of a range of financial markets.
Dr. Catsaras studied computer science and statistics and received a medical degree from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia in 1981. He practiced medicine at several Sydney facilities, among them Liverpool Day Surgical Centre before jointly founding a Medical management firm in 1988. As managing director of the company, he oversaw four medical centres throughout Sydney. Ultimately, he was appointed chief executive officer of General Practice with Alpha Healthcare Limited which acquired these and other Medical Centres in the 1990s.
From 1991 to 2001 he was also involved in property development, both residential and commercial, including the sale of an outpatients clinic to Liverpool Hospital.
Since 2001, Dr. Catsaras has complemented his entrepreneurial endeavours with private investments in financial markets before founding Pegasus Research in 2010.