Nick Ristow

Medford, Oregon

Nick Ristow

Medford, Oregon

My journey with the Lord started when I was 13 years old at a youth summer camp. From the moment that I came to know the Lord I also felt that God had called me to ministry. After High School I attended Simpson University and worked on my degree in youth ministry. While there, I met the woman who would become my wife. I have been married to my amazing wife, Katie, since 2003. Since then we have had three wonderful kids, Izabella (2006), Eva (2009), and Silas (2013). In 2013 I also completed a Master of Divinty degree at A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary.

  • Work
    • Table Rock Fellowship
  • Education
    • Cascade Christian High School
    • Simpson University
    • A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary