Nicolas Stahelin

New York

I direct a semester-long study abroad program on climate change for undergraduate students with the International Honors Program / School for International Training. This program starts off in San Francisco and travels to sites in Vietnam, Bolivia, and Morocco, where students learn about climate change in local contexts. Our hope is to inspire students to take action in favor of climate change mitigation and adaptation from a climate justice perspective.

I'm also currently completing a doctoral degree in International Educational Development at Columbia University. I have a life-long interest in environmental justice, social movements, and education, and have been dedicated to the fields of education for sustainability, experiential learning, international and cross-cultural exchange, school-community partnerships, and higher education for over fifteen years. I love to teach and learn, plan and design, collaborate and strategize, facilitate and mobilize, research and write. Please don't hesitate to contact me!

  • Work
    • Teachers College, Columbia University