Nicole Daedone

A visionary writer and founder of OneTaste Incorporated, Nicole Daedone has devoted her career to redefining what “orgasm” means for a woman. With a degree in gender communications from San Francisco State University, Nicole Daedone has pioneered a unique approach to the concept that is both methodical and groundbreaking.

At the heart of Nicole Daedone’s doctrine is a practice she has termed Orgasmic Meditation, or OM for short. A 15-minute practice, OM can be described as following in the tradition of the extended orgasm. Nicole Daedone teaches her students that the practice is centered around the female orgasm and involves two partners. The woman lies back, unclothed from the waist down, and her partner deliberately strokes her clitoris in a way that unlocks greater sensation and vitality in both participants. Additionally, OM effectively enhances the “sweet spot” of the woman’s orgasm. Other benefits of Nicole Daedone’s OM practice include increased confidence, alleviation of stress, and enhanced intimacy with one’s partner.

To further expound the technique and benefits of OM, Nicole Daedone recently released a book, titled Slow Sex: The Art and Craft of the Female Orgasm. The book contains, in addition to a 10-day OM starter program, a list of secrets that men and women need to know about one another, a comprehensive troubleshooting manual, and a guide to extrapolating OM principles into all aspects of one’s sex life. Nicole Daedone’s book is available online at such vendors as and

An ambitious business professional, Nicole Daedone founded OneTaste in 2004 with the goal of bringing her message to a larger audience. Her responsibilities as Chief Executive Officer include overseeing the hiring of employees for the company, teaching and training, and supervising the seven-person executive team. Headquartered in San Francisco with a satellite office in New York, Nicole Daedone’s company has attracted the attention of major news sources around the world, including the United Kingdom’s Daily Mail, The New York Times, and