Nicole Phoenix

Nicole Phoenix

I have been place onthis earth for a purpose, I cant let God down by just doing nothing. I have to leave a mark, I have to touch people and I have to change not only my life but others as well.

Imagine if Henry Ford came to you (100 years ago) and asked you to be involved with his fledgling company.

** A Company that employed a series of Innovations never seen before that time! (e.g. Assembly Line Manufacturing, 40-Hour Work Week, Profit Sharing... etc.)

** A Company that had the potential to be the basis for the nation's economy for the next 75 years.

** A Company that would forever change the way Americans view themselves socially and politically... once again displaying their limitless and boundless potential!

Would you have been On-Board... 100 years ago???

Imagine it was Bill Gates coming to you with the start of Microsoft.

Sam Walton with Wal-Mart, etc....

Knowing what you know today.........

Would you be ready to join? How about now???

Mrs. Nicole Phoenix-Ulloa 2012