Nicole Dash

Washington, Dc Metro Area

Nicole Dash, founder and CEO of Connect Authentically, LLC, is a writer, blogger and business owner who lives in the suburbs outside Washington, DC with her husband and four children. She started her career as a journalist and copy editor. She also managed public relations and corporate communications for a national franchise company, but in 2009 started a home-based daycare. Nicole has enjoyed success as a small business owner and is a leader within the child care community in Northern Virginia. In 2012, she began her heartfelt blog, Tiny Steps Mommy, where she writes about family, life, parenting and caring for children. This is where she discovered her authentic voice. She is an active member of the Washington, DC blogger community and is listed on the blogroll of more that 20 local blogs. Nicole is also a Huffington Post Blog Contributor and writes for The DC Moms. She is currently using her authentic voice to write a book, which she plans to publish in late 2014.