Nicole de Jager

Teacher in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

Read my blog

Hi, I’m Nicole. I’m a teacher living in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. I am a fan of reading, politics, and travel. I’m also interested in knitting and entrepreneurship. You can read my first teaching resume if you click on the blog- that will give you my very basic background.

Since I wrote that resume- I have taught in the middle east for 4 years (Oman- and amazing country on the far east of the Gulf), one year in Pikangikum First Nation, and one year in England! The first 5 years of my teaching was to English Language Learners- or students where English was their second language.

My biggest passion is teaching math- and for 4 of my years teaching I have taught exclusively math! I think that I find language so much more complex- especially when trying to teach English oriented curriculum to students who are learning English. It is a bit different than teaching in Ontario where students are in this curriculum and surrounded by English.

I may be teaching in China for a short period this coming May - these are high school students who will be coming to an Ontario school to finish their studies- so I hope this course can help me develop ideas to work with them on improving their English.