Nicole Easton
Nicole has been all over the green map from golf courses, to nurseries, to florists, to large commercial plantings, to green roofs, to environmental plantings, to container design, to therapeutic edible healing gardens, to designing lakeside properties and gardens for multi million dollar homes.
She has studied softscape installation at Kwantlen Polytechnic School of Horticulture, and design and drafting at UBC.
Nicole is a Certified Feng Shui Design Professional and creates gardens with these principles in mind.
She’s active in her local community and serves on a panel of judges for Communities in Bloom.
Nicole shares a long time connection to the plant and design world with her mother Mary, from being in her belly as a baby at Blasigs drafting table to now being a partner in Easton Landscape Design.
Nicole’s commitment to achieving beautiful spaces stems from the thrill she gets in being an enemy to the average.