Nic Round

The Wealth Coach, Thinker, and Father in Shrewsbury, United Kingdom

Nic Round

The Wealth Coach, Thinker, and Father in Shrewsbury, United Kingdom

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I am The Wealth Coach. I help people get the right balance between self-investing and delegating to professionals.

I have been helping individuals gain financial peace of mind for over 30 years, but more than any other time in history, you can take more control over your finances than ever before. You don’t need to be an investment geek, spend hours researching investment options, instead, by understanding some basics, you can not only benefit from the same outcomes as the professionals you employ, you can beat them. And if you hate the thought of dealing with money and want to delegate responsibility, we can show you how to do that more simply and effectively than you’ve ever seen or experienced before.

I provide multiple roles; we act as coaches, but also as strategists, consultants, counsellors, advisers, confidants, mentors and always advocates of your best interests. I’m a money psychologist and have investment karma. I am a financial thinker. Some of which may sound wildly hippy and off the wall, but our role is to deliver peace of mind in what is a complex financial world.

I grew up in Shrewsbury. Went away to study and came back in my late 20’s and have been here ever since. In between, I have visited some wonderful places, but home is where your family and friends are. That is comforting. I’ve been lucky enough to play lots of sports, I still do but allocating time is not always easy for me.

As for the future, Daniel, my eldest works with me. We are building together a business that understands change in what will be revolutionary times. Everyone needs someone they can talk to, irrespective where they are in the world. Where they can open up and know they will never be taken advantage of. Where they can speak freely about their hopes and dreams and we can help them build plans to make their dreams possible. We'd love to hear from you wherever you are in the world.

It’s been a great journey so far for me. Long may it continue.

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    • The Wealth Coach