Niels Eék

Project Manager, Psychologist, and Researcher in Göteborg, Sverige

Niels Eék

Project Manager, Psychologist, and Researcher in Göteborg, Sverige

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I'm a licensed specialization psychologist, project manager, PhD student and entrepreneur.

My ambition is to make care more efficient. I have a vision that some day all people will have access to psychological care and support. I want to make this happen by making care more accessibly through the internet – it should not matter whether you live in the biggest city or in the most rural areas, if you are rich or poor – everyone should have access to effective help. I want to reach this vision by working simultaneously on four different cornerstones; 1) preventive care to the masses via Remente, 2) by developing new digital support tools to the psychiatry, 3) by developing new psychiatric treatments over the internet and finally 4) by implementing internet based support and treatment to all kinds of care – the primary care, the psychiatric care and the somatic care.

1) I have the pleasure to be involved in developing – an app for personal development, a "gym for your mind". We help individuals and businesses unleash their potential by improving mental strength. Our popular app is available on both AppStore and Google Play.

2) As a project manager at ePsykiatrienheten ("The ePsychiatry Unit") I develop new support systems to both patients and health professionals, and also work with implementing those support systems. ePsykiatrienheten is a collaboration project that spans over the entire adult psychiatry at Sahlgrenska University Hospital.

3) As a PhD student at the Gothenburg University in collaboration with Karolinska Institutet I develop and evaluate internet based treatments of alcohol dependency. Please visit and for more information about those research projects.

4) Finally I'm a member of Sahlgrenska University Hospital's "eHealth Strategic Council" (Swedish: eHälsostrategiskt råd).

Finally, I love photography, feel free to check out my pictures on!

See ya!

  • Work
  • Education
    • Psykologprogrammet, Karolinska Institutet