Nina R Salerno

Photographer, Artist, and Producer in Pasadena, California

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Creator of PERFECT REJECT® - Where Play meets Art.

I collect stories from people that have transformed adversity into a celebration of difference. These stories are a testimony to the vast array of challenges people have faced and overcome.

In an effort to celebrate such differences, I walk the streets with Wilson-the-Bear and ask people to share their own stories of overcoming adversity. Everyone posed with Wilson-the-Bear, who I made. Wilson is named after Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys who is deaf in one ear, yet makes the most perfect music.

Heartbreaking and humorous these stories showcase hidden vulnerabilities and celebrate hard-won and transformative victories over individual struggles with ethnicity, sexuality, mental illness, and prejudice. Currently I have collected well over 300 stories

Tattered • Torn • Loved

■ Empower ■ Inspire ■

Be the Xtra in the ordinary!

Celebrate Diversity

  • Education
    • California Institute of the Arts