Nadun Lokuliyanage


Hi there, now that I've finally managed to bypass all the techno obstacles in creating this page, the real question pops up. How would I introduce myself?

Let me make it simple and straight. Born in the emerald Isle of Sri Lanka, I was bred in the metropolitan city of Colombo, and still my life revolves around its noisy crowds, endless traffic and breathtaking sunsets. I am currently employed as a development merchandiser for one of the most leading clothing brands in the world. Work is never boring as we have a marvellous team that makes all those long hours of creasing our foreheads worthwhile at the end. Besides, seasons change and so does fashion trends. That alone adds more zest to the job.

Apart from the role of meticulous merchandiser, I’m an enthusiastic reader, a hobby taken up at the age when I could barely string a couple of coherent words together. May it be classics, poetry, thrillers, biographies or just plain ol’ chick lit, I read anything and everything that comes my way. Yes, I’m one of those people who carry a paperback in their tote every where they go. I write random thoughts that occur out of the blues, either as poetry or in prose passages. That’s another interest of mine, though I’m yet to encounter people who like what I pen. Travelling is another passion which keeps me resilient and makes me marvel at the wonders of nature. They say that no place is better than home, I cannot help but add that exploring the unknown, while knowing you’ll return home at the end could be even better. To be away from the acquainted, to have that constant feeling of anticipation hovering over can only be seconded to the comfort of the familiarity.

I firmly believe that this world is not completely black or white. The plethora of shades is what makes it a mesmerizing place. It is like an open book, with millions of diverse characters making entrances or drawing the curtains within its pages. Billions of sub-plots and zillions of small victories and defeats. I may not have all the time in the world, but the reader in me pulls my busy self back from the rat race, and persuades to read as many of those stories as I can. Learn what’s good and spread the humanity among those who follow our steps.

This is my dream.