Nola Rocco

PIlates Instructor in Tilton, New Hampshire

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Nola Rocco is a mover. She loves to, and has always, moved – from being a young gymnast, cheerleader, and competitive swimmer, to her many years of professional dance and theatre performance.

Nola brings over 15 years of Pilates training to Pilates, Etc. in Tilton, NH. As a dancer, her professional interests in conditioning and strength for her own body brought her to STOTT Pilates, where she received her certification in Toronto. In 2005, after a rotator cuff injury and surgery, she fully rehabilitated her shoulder through Pilates. It was then that she realized the deeper value of core stabilization to maintain joint health, and how resistance and bodyweight training are key toward achieving this goal.

Nola has trained in a broad array of fitness settings – from corporate health clubs and boutique studios, to physical therapy clinics and recreation centers. Her clients have come from a wide demographic of professions, in addition to being sports enthusiasts and high performance athletes who golf, do Cross-Fit, ski, play tennis, are equestrians, race in marathons and triathlons (and that’s the short list), as well as active retirees who understand that a healthy core is a key to longevity.

Along with her STOTT Pilates certification, Nola received an M.F.A. in Dance Performance and Choreography from UCLA, where she studied many somatic modalities for improving performance and maintaining biomechanical health and well-being. In 2015, training under Master Teacher and founder Eric Franklin, she also became certified in the Franklin Method - an intensive training in functional anatomy that enhanced her use of cueing to help her clients embody new movement patterns and discover efficient and pain-free exercising. In 2016, she was also part of the first U.S. group of trainers to become certified in Fascial Fitness, training under STOTT Master Trainer P.J. O'Clair and Fascial Fitness founders, Robert Schleip and Divo Mueller from Ulm University in Germany.

The versatility of combining these movement concepts, along with her commitment to teaching CORE FIRST, helps Nola help her clients to MOVE...and MOVE BETTER – with improved joint function, fascial resilience, and increased freedom and pleasure. Her vision for Pilates, Etc. is to help people of all ages, fitness levels, and athletic/sports interests to:

Feel More, Sense More, and Embody More.

Pilates, Etc. = Pilates and More! Precision-Prevention- Performance!