Norbert Netten

Senior business coach and trainer in Nederland

Read my book

I have been a coach and trainer for individual professionals and management teams in organizations since 1990.

I was a television host in The Netherlands back in the 80s. I learned a great deal about presentation and stage performance.

I studied Gestalt therapy, Transactional Analyses, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, The Human Element, Quantum Psychology, Family and Organizational Constellations and Somatic Experiencing (trauma healing). I learned a lot about interaction, self-esteem, authenticity, passion and about control and the nerves system.

I studied drama, voice expression, music, body movement, styling and even theatre make-up. I learned about personal appearance, posture, voice use and how to engage and hold attention.

I sang songs of John Denver, The Beatles and The Rolling Stones in the streets of Amsterdam and many other places, all the time learning more and more about how to entertain an audience and keep them engaged (and pay!).

As a client, I’ve experienced over 30 years of bodywork, like acupuncture, deep tissue massage, meditation and haptonomie (kind of Rolfing). Apart from the fact that I learned how to feel and use my body sensation to be a more balanced person and live a happy life, I also learned a lot about relaxation, nerves and breathing that I use in training and coaching.

And apart from all of this, I work with most of the well-known methods used for interaction in organizations, like Spiral Dynamics& Rapport building (NLP).

I use my new Power of Connection methodology to help teams and individual professionals build more trust, to achieve a sustainable result with more joy ... together.

One of the applications of the Power of Connection method is Radical Self-management. Download the e-book (60 pages | Free). It's available in English:

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  • Work
    • CEO Speechwell
  • Education
    • Psychology, drama, music