Nicolas Steenhout

Public Speaker, Trainer, and Consultant in Canada

Nicolas Steenhout

Public Speaker, Trainer, and Consultant in Canada

Where to find me

Hi, I’m Nic. I’m a speaker, trainer and consultant. I primarily focus on accessibility, disability, and inclusion topics. I am a member of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers.

I am available to speak on a variety of accessibility, disability and inclusion topics. I have presented at conferences in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, primarily on the topic of web accessibility.

I've been involved in one way or another with web accessibility since the mid 1990's.

I am fully bilingual in English and French.

I train your teams on the topic of accessibility, using a no-nonsense customized approach that fits your requirements. I have conducted training for large and small companies, as well as local, provincial and federal government organisations. I have also worked with tertiary education providers and non-profits.

I work with you and your teams to identify and solve a variety of accessibility issues. This may take the form of:

- Accessibility assessments (audits)

- Strategic planning

- Technical support

- Training

  • Education
    • Massey University