Writer, Editor, and Consultant in New York

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Gregory Marcinski is a Catechist in the Archdiocese of New York where he teaches the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), Adult Faith Formation, and studies/teaches Ecclesiastical Latin. In addition, Gregory Marcinski is an Oblate of the Order of St. Benedict, the lay community leader, and serves as the president of the Legion of Mary's, Our Lady Refuge of Sinners Praesidium and chair of the Patrician Society. Gregory has a passion for apologetics, patrology, and the study of the early Christian Church. He has a deep desire to make amends to all those who have known him and is an advocate of the Church's social justice. Gregory was born in Greenwich Village, Manhattan and grew up in New Jersey where he attended Catholic School. Gregory has adopted the motto, "Omnium Me Servum Feci" which is a reference to 1 Cor 9:19-23 - "I made myself a slave to all". Continuing with the passage is "Omnibus Omnia Factus Sum", "I have become all things to all men".