OC Shelby

Pullman, Washington, United States

How many people are in your family? Who are they?
My family consists of my mom and dad, 4 older siblings (1 sister, 3 brothers) who are all anywhere from 8 to 11 years older than me, and 2 nephews and a niece.
Why did you choose WSU?
I chose WSU because I have been a Coug my whole life. My mom's best friend attended WSU and has instilled the Cougar spirit in me ever since I was little. The decision was tough, I wanted to possibly play soccer in college and knew WSU did not have a team, but ultimately I realized I couldn't pass up the opportunity to attend my dream school. I haven't regretted my decision for a moment.
What is your fondest WSU memory thus far?
My fondest WSU memory is my study abroad experience in Greece last summer. I got to see some beautiful places, eat some amazing food, and meet some great people. The other students I went on this trip with are now some of my best friends. I was also given the chance to travel around Europe once the trip was over. I was able to see sights such as the Coliseum and the Eiffel tower. It was the best summer of my life. And I would not have had such an opportunity had it not been for WSU.
What advice do you have for new Cougar parents?
I would say to just trust your student. I know it was hard for my family when I left, especially since I was the last one at home. But they knew that they had raised me for 18 years, they knew it was time and that I was ready. They also knew that if I ever needed anything they would be the first ones I called. It may seem scary letting your child venture off into the world, but Pullman is a safe place and a great environment. Life is all about experience and this is just one of many great experiences your child will have. Being in college has changed my life; it has taught me many valuable lessons and given me so many opportunities. I do not know where I would be without WSU.
Favorite Activity:
Favorite Quote:
“I see my path, but I don’t know where it leads. Not knowing where I’m going is what inspires me to travel it.” – Rosalia De Castro
“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein
WSU Honors College
WSU Office of Admissions
Greek Life

  • Work
    • Washington State University
  • Education
    • Accounting & Finance