okinawa flatbelly

Student, Web Developer, and Software Engineer in 526 Superior Avenue, Suite 1255, Cleveland, OH 44114

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When losing weight you have to exercise as well watch what you eat. Exercise plays only a small role in weight loss. Your diet is much more important. Weight loss is about 75 percent what you consume and about 25 percent exercise. Exercise is important for our bodies plays only a small part in getting the weight off.

It is important to eat six meals every day. If you are the type of person to eat 3 square meals a day, you are not doing a good thing to your body. People that eat less calories then they should could be training their bodies to store all unused calories as body-fat.

If you are having pasta as your meal, try to refrain from adding too much sauce. Even though sauce tastes great, it is packed with the carbs and sugars that you are trying to avoid to lose weight. Instead, use lemon to top off your pasta for a rich and tasty alternative.

Always be careful when it comes to eating muffins, bagels, croissants or biscuits. A large muffin can have a ton of calories and fat, about two times more then a regular size. If you are going to eat something like that, make sure it is small and the muffin is whole grain. Then you will not be consuming all the extra calories.

If you are dining out with friends or family and order a hamburger, try taking the bun off before you eat your meal. This will help to lower the fat content that you consume, while still gaining the essential proteins that are necessary for converting fat to muscle during the day.

Engage in activity on your work breaks. You'll get weight loss benefits from even just a few minutes climbing stairs or walking around during your breaks, especially if your job is a sedentary one.

Remember to give yourself some flexibility in your diet. The people who are most likely to lose weight but least likely to keep it off are those who are doing some kind of fad diet which has quick weight loss. Your goal should be to have incremental but sustainable weight loss over a period of time.