Peter Paul Olasiman

Inventory Control Specialist, Programing, and Problem Solving in Hayward, California

Peter Paul Olasiman

Inventory Control Specialist, Programing, and Problem Solving in Hayward, California

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Analytical, observant, explorer...

He desires the ability to create durable solutions and find efficient ways to accomplish everyday tasks. He likes to be the best at what he is assigned to. Functionality is a result of his drive to be efficient and logical. Typos and use of punctuation are a pet peeve of his.

Currently, Peter Paul is reading Mind Gym, Heads-up Baseball, Hunger Games, and There's More to Life Than This.

Mind Gym and Heads-up Baseball are reading material that will be used to improve his game on the softball field. The books provide fundamentals in detail and depth. So far he has been able to refine his approach to the game and add to his skill set. A quote that he has found to stand out loud out is, "Over prepare, so you don't under perform". This idea can be also be applied to life's challenges. Hunger Games and There's More to Life Than This are books that are being read for pleasure, allowing him to dive into other worlds of thoughts, art and adventures.

Peter Paul is fond of nature and delves at the idea of taking advantage of many local gems. Over Presidents Day weekend, he took ventured out to Bolinas, CA. He and a buddy went on a hike to see a waterfall that meets the Pacific Ocean; Alamere Falls. There are very few waterfalls that dump into an ocean. At the age of 14, Peter Paul took went on the maiden voyage of the Majesty of the Seas with his Grandma Carol. It was during that trip that he and his cousin Armali took the opportunity to hike up the Dunns River Falls in Jamaica. This waterfall also dumps into the ocean.

A picky eater, yet well versed with a variety of foods and dishes. You can count on Peter Paul to have recommendations on local places to try or even frequent. For a great burger you can count on Super Duper. For pizza by the slice, you can count on Bronco Billy's to toss you up a satisfying piece of goodness. For the late night munchies, dial in your nearest Top Dog for hot off the grill dogs and sausages. For great chicken and waffles, there is a place in Jack London called, Home of Chicken and Waffles. On a warm spring/summer night, Fenton's will not disappoint with their sundaes, nor their Cream Caramel Almond Crunch.

Peter Paul does have an interest in meal prepping. He is currently, seeking advise from friends to compile a list of recipes to try. Peter Paul believes that these meals can allow himself to maintain healthier eating habits.

  • Work
    • ZoomSystems
  • Education
    • California State University, East Bay