Oliver von Dobrowolski

Police Captain in Berlin, Deutschland

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Hey there, I’m Oliver.

I’m a Police Captain/Detective Chief Inspector living and working in Berlin/Germany.
I joined Berlin Police in 1998.

In 2011 I was in an abroad Police mission in Afghanistan and worked as a trainer and mentor for Afghan Police Forces in Mazar-e-Sharif مزارِ شریف.

I try hard to create and increase an awareness for an open minded, non racist and a community oriented policing.
This may need a reformation of German police.

That's why I founded the initiative “BetterPolice” in April 2021.

In February 2022 my first book was published: »Ich kämpfe für eine bessere Polizei«

More information: http://t1p.de/BP

Please visit my website with a click on the button above and get in touch with my goals and media content.

#RefugeesWelcome #WirSindMehr #LoveWins #BetterPolice

  • Work
    • Berlin Police Department