Omar Neal

Consultant, Teacher, and Actor in Tuskegee, Alabama

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If motivation is the electrical power that activates the engine of success, then Omar Neal is the personification of a mighty motivational machine. Arrayed with the God-given ability to mobilize, empower and motivate people from all walks of life to reach their greatest level of excellence.

Considering Omar’s upbringing, pursuing excellence was not a mere option; it was an expectation. He is a native son born on the campus of Tuskegee University at John A. Andrews Hospital. The whole mantra of Tuskegee was that of excellence. Excellence was demanded everywhere you went. I adopted the attitude that says, ‘You’re blessed to be a blessing.’”

Omar Neal possesses an exemplary and veritable career in leadership both in the Private and Public sector. His coaching is grounded in incisive analytic skills that are informed by creativity, along with perceptive candor rooted in a passion for mentoring.

Neal served as the Mayor of the historic City of Tuskegee, Alabama from 2008 – 2012. Under his leadership, a long-term deficit city budget was brought to fiscal stability, new business and economic growth increased and International relations with West African countries was forged with governmental, municipal, educational, cultural and the private sector to include NGO’s (Non-governmental organizations). Neal also served as Macon County District III Commissioner from 1996-2000 where he was a major influence in bringing the county government from deficit spending to having a reserve at the end of his term.

Neal founded, "You Got the Power," Enterprises Inc. in 1991, a communications company that specializes in talk radio, motivational workshops, media consulting, advertising and motivational speaking. His training expertise educates with the understanding that leadership is not an isolated quality.

He attended Tuskegee Institute (now Tuskegee University) and earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. After completing his studies at Tuskegee, Neal attended the Montgomery Police Academy. He served as a Youth Counselor with the Outreach Modification Program, a project of the Juvenile Probation Department of Macon County; served as a Youth Counselor with the Brentwood Children Home in Montgomery, AL; established the Youth Aide Division of the Tuskegee Police Department and served as the department’s founding director. Neal also graduated from Troy University with a Master’s in Public Management. He completed the inaugural Leadership Macon County course and the Next