Owen Allen
Cloud Productivity Therapist in Seattle, Washington
Owen Allen
Cloud Productivity Therapist in Seattle, Washington
I'm a technologist, an evangelist, and a consultant.
Owen is a leader, consultant, and speaker for Productivity and the boundary between People and Technology around the world. Owen worked at Microsoft for 10 years, as a Sr Product Marketing Manager for SharePoint and a Sr Technology Specialist for Office 365 and SharePoint. Owen has consulted with companies and customers around the world, and has been involved with enterprise software deployments across large organizations since working with SAP and Deloitte Consulting in 1996. Today, Owen helps thought leaders to plan and prioritize their adoption of Cloud productivity technologies
I'm an organizer of the Office 365 Seattle Meetup Group, founded and led the Puget Sound SharePoint Users Group from 2007-2017, and was a regular organizer of the annual SharePoint Saturday Redmond events.
I live in Seattle, have 4 kids, and enjoy working and playing.
I'm trying to be a hiker, a bicycler, a good husband, and a good Dad. It's a blast.