Pedro Cunha Reis

Associate Professor in Porto, Portugal

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Dean of the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, University Fernando Pessoa (Porto, Portugal)

Head of the e-Learning Department UFP-UV (Virtual University)

Co-founder of the Centre for Computer-produced Texts and Cyberliterature Studies, and researcher of several financed research projects

Co-director of the journal Cibertextualidades (Edições UFP)

developed a Post-Doctoral Research Project on e-Learning with the cooperation of the Instructional Technology and Distance Education (ITDE), Nova SoutheasternUniversity (NSU) (Florida, USA)

Consultant at the IAEA (UN, Vienna) on e-Learning,Educational Technology; Instructional Design, and e-Content Development

main research interests: Digital Humanities; E-learning; Educational Technology; Instructional Design, and e-Content Development

lectured in Portugal, Sweden, Ireland, USA, France, Brazil, Spain, Holland, Italy, Senegal, Germany, Ghana and Austria, and published several books and articles, namely these, among some of the most recent works:

Moura, A. S., Cordeiro, M. N. D. S. e Reis, P. (eds) (2020) Handbook of Research on Determining the Reliability of Online Assessment and Distance Learning. Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA: IGI Global

Silva, F. & Reis, P. (2017) How Learners and Faculty Rate Online Assessment Methods. In: ICERI2017Proceedings - 10th annual International Conference of Education, Research andInnovation, Seville, Spain. 16-18 November, 2017. (pp. 5195-5201). Publisher:IATED

Reis, P. & Silva, F. (2017) E-Learning Courses at UFP-UV - Potential and Challenges. In: ICERI2017 Proceedings - 10th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville, Spain. 16-18 November, 2017.(pp.5356-5363) Publisher: IATED

Reis, P., Juhász, L. M. &; Paksi-Petró, C. (2015). Virtual Learning All Over The World: Good Practice From Portugal. In N. András (Ed.) Pro Publico Bono - Magyar Kozigazgatás (pp. 133-145). Budapeste: SedNyomda

Reis, P. (2012). e-Learning in the Portuguese Educational Context(pp. 230 - 242), in the awarded publication: L. Visser, Y. Visser, R. Amirault & M.Simonson (Eds.) Trends and Issues in Distance Education: International Perspective, Charlotte, North Carolina (EUA): Information Age Publishing

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  • Work
    • Fernando Pessoa University
  • Education
    • University of Lisbon