Pam Sterling

Life Coach Training in California

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I believe in quantum leaps, outrageous thinking, bold action, extraordinary decisions, and elegant solutions. I believe in living a life you love, going for your dreams, and doubting your limits.

Hi, I'm Pam Sterling, founder of Coaches On Fire. I have the privilege every single day of supporting coaches in making their difference in the world. I do that by equipping coaches with the skills, strategies, step-by-step instructions, and support to create stunning success in your business, so that you can stay focused on creating stunning results for your clients. There is nothing more fulfilling than this.

If you're a coach involved in the transformation of people's lives - Life Coach, Health Coach, Transformation Coach, Spiritual Coach - I would love to support in making your difference in the world, and living into and from your highest potential. If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, I invite you to take the first step and apply for a FREE High Performance Strategy Session HERE.

If you'd love to receive FREE valuable content 7 days-a-week to support you in growing your 'on fire' coaching business, click HERE to join the Coaches On Fire Ignition Lab.

You can learn more about Coaches On Fire at To learn more about my personal passion projects, check out

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