Pamela Broussard

Seattle, WA

Remember Al Pacino's line in "Scent of A Woman" that goes, "Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted to go but you wanted to stay..."? That's kinda how I feel right now. I'm back in town after 10 years in New York City. I love being around family and I appreciate the slower vibe here in a lot of ways.

But I miss what was home to me. I miss my apartment where I could see the Verrazano Bridge in winter and the fireworks at Brighton Beach in summer. I miss the sound of the F train in the distance, being able to walk down the block to get a really good slice, the multiple Italian bakeries and deli's in my neighborhood.

I miss the people that fell in love with me and that I fell in love with that I call my friends.

I miss so much. I miss my life.

As I begin a new chapter back in this city where I was born, I hope to connect with something outside my family that is my own.

I am a lover of the arts and volunteer for the Northwest Film Forum, Bumbershoot, Film Frenzy, and in New York the Tribeca Film Festival. I have a charter membership at the Experience Music Project (EMP) and am a past member of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

I care about people and most recently spent 6 weeks as a volunteer with the Hurricane Sandy clean-up.

Yet, I am searching. I am not sure where I really fit here in the Pacific Northwest.

What do I hitch my wagon to in this bastion of nature and plaid shirts?

It's like I always say, "I don't know what's gonna happen next, but it's gonna be good!".

  • Work
    • Would love to
  • Education
    • Bellevue College-Technical Writing
    • Johns Hopkins University, Coursera-Introduction to The US Food System