Paddy Palomaki

Ishpeming, Michigan

I am a native born Yooper who loves Jesus and I am passionate about revival… The Upper Peninsula is my promise land… I am blessed to be married to my wonderful wife, Gail, and currently we are empty-nesters but have 4 children and 14 grand children…. My hobbies include a 1941 Chevy that I call the "Pearl Harbor Taxi", deer hunting, and camping. We are also involved heavily in the local Christian Motorcyclist Association. We love to cruise the Upper Peninsula on our Kawasaki Vulcan Nomad. We are members of the Good News Assembly and are excited about what is happening there. Gail is working with the "Celebrate Recovery" ministry and teaches Sunday School. Currently I am taking care of my mother who is 89… I have been involved in ministry since 1978 and love teaching people and seeing them excited about our awesome God…..