Patrick Maley

As a baby I used to bang my head against most anything - a crib, a chair, a wall...something that would meet my head with an equal and opposite reaction. A doctor once told my concerned Mother that sometimes intelligent babies banged their head. Nice one Doc. Either way, I am thankful a sport like Football existed - a place where I was not only encouraged, but cheered, to bang my head.

Short story - I was able to parlay my desire to bang my head into an Ivy League education. Never mind my short term memory. Now, where was I?

Today, I am a Sales and Marketing consultant dedicated to helping Enterprise Software companies focus and position their companies for success. I help them get more leads and win more business.

I am big on basics and not getting caught up in the hype of today's snake oil pitches for success. You have to block and tackle, and bang your head, to win.

Email me at [email protected] for more info.