Patrick Anthony Pierson

Palm Beach, FL

Born Patrijk Anton-Piers in 1953 on the outskirts of Utrecht in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the artist changed his name to Patrick Pierson in 1991 when he and his family immigrated to America.

Initially represented and published by the Meisner Gallery in New York City, Patrick eventually settled in Palm Beach and established the Fyshwerks Company - a fine art studio, smithy, display gallery and publishing house that would become the birthplace for the creatures that were destined to inhabit the realm of Planet Zootopia.

Message from Planet Zootopia: "To have lived at all is a dream come true; to live in awe of the dream is cause to celebrate and revel in the wonder of Life and all its delicious bedlammy; from lovers spurned and fortunes lost to plots unbound and rivals crushed, let us bask in the splendifery and wallow in the mayhemble - be it good or bad, we celebrate life!"

  • Work
    • Owner, Fyshwerks Studio Gallery
  • Education
    • Michigan State University