Richard Goins

Pacific Northwest, United States

I was raised in the home of a Bible believing evangelical preacher. This was not the preacher you think of when you hear that word. My Paw was made of iron. He worked every day of the week. He worked for small churches and worked another 60+ hours a week to support his family driving trucks. If my Dad was made of iron my mother was steel. They both worked almost constantly. It took until I was well into my 30's for this to take but I did learn to work from them. I have worked in transporation most of my life. Driving trucks, loading trucks, warehousing, dispatching, driver training, fleet management, operations safety and today I work as a compliance officer for the DOT. I have driven trucks from Oregon to Florida and Iraq to Mexico. Married for 24 years I am the husband of one wife and father to four children. One is gone and three are still with us. My wife was given to me by God and so that gift is being cared for just like a gift from God. Wiffee is my world and all my successes can be atributed to my desire to please her. I love the outdoors, shooting, camping, fishing and hunting. I enjoy raising chickens and hope to have a small farm when I retire. Off the grid living is a aspiration of my Wifes and I. We have become very interested in body building as the the last year.

  • Work
    • Regulatory Compliance Officer
  • Education
    • Associates Degree