Paul Jetter

Father, Chef, and Consultant in San Diego, California

Paul Jetter

Father, Chef, and Consultant in San Diego, California

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A husband, father, son, brother and friend.
This is what defines me, not what I do for a living.

I’m a positive person. Each day I have three basic goals:
Wake up (God willing), Follow the Golden Rule and Learn something new.
Not so tough, right?

I was born in Brooklyn. (Way before it became cool to say you are from Brooklyn).

I’ve lived in the in the snow belt of Upstate New York, the Main Line of Philadelphia and raised 25 goats (and three children) in the Skylands of Northwestern New Jersey with my Wisconsin born wife and partner of 26+ years.
( I still can't get enough of her smile.)

One cold, rainy day in 2009 we had an epiphany and decided to sell everything and move the five of us out to Southern California ending up at The Jewel of the California Coast: La Jolla. Armed with a few suitcases and five one way airline tickets to San Diego, we took our little circus out west and have not looked back.
(Although at times I do miss autumn in Central Park and Yankee Stadium).

I find joy and sanity in creatively cooking for our family each night. My career in sales has been a rewarding and very interesting path for an English Literature Major. With each career move I become immersed in a totally new skill set and network of new peers and clients. I love to meet new people and learn about their journeys.

Thanks for stopping by to learn a bit about me.