Paul Malool

Chef, Golfer, and Historian in United States

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Paul Malool is an Armenian-American with a deep admiration for Armenian culture. Throughout his childhood, Malool looked forward to attending Camp Nubar (an Armenian summer camp). Coupled with his lifelong relationship with his family’s Armenian church, the culture has always been a major part of his life. Now, Malool is imparting his love of the culture on his daughter by teaching her about Armenian traditions, music and cuisine. Self-taught on guitar, he also dabbles in performing traditional songs -- a rich experience of culture that he hopes to pass on to his daughter. Together, the pair dabble in gourmet cooking, with their roots present in every dish.

Sports are also a major part of Paul Malool’s life and leisure. Season after season, he cheers on the Kansas City Chiefs and the New York Yankees! A sportsman himself, Malool enjoys planning golf trips with friends and family. Recently, he has started to teach his daughter the ways of the game. Malool looks forward to sharing their adventures in culture, cooking and competitive sports on his website in the near future.