Pavitra P. Krishnamani, MD MS
Physician, Innovator, and Public Speaker in Houston, TX
A Resident Physician in Emergency Medicine, Pavitra Krishnamani graduated with her MD from Thomas Jefferson University and MS in Global Medicine from Keck School of Medicine of USC. In 2015, she was inducted into the Carson Scholar's "Twenty Under Thirty" Hall of Fame.
In 2018, she completed her Clinical Fellowship in Healthcare Innovation at Jefferson's Digital Innovation and Consumer Experience (DICE) group. During her training, she served as a clinical consultant for several projects, providing critical input into the design process to ensure projects leveraging Artificial Intelligence and other technologies were viable in clinical environments. She spearheaded several of DICE's Virtual Reality (VR) initiatives, including those in research and product development, and cultivated relationships to help further infuse digital innovation into healthcare. She plans on staying engaged with work that appeals to the clinical designer within her throughout residency and beyond.
Prior to her fellowship, Pavitra's design work has been in the global health space. Most recently, she consulted on a UNICEF-funded project in India, where she worked with local team members to design a project to inform policy guidelines for neonatal care provided in Indian hospitals through a child's first year of life. Pavitra's global health work has also resulted in a collaborative WHO concept paper based in Italy, where she spoke at a national global health conference. At home, Pavitra has several years of experience working with Philadelphia's refugee population, serving as Vice President and later Clinic Director for Jefferson's refugee community acute care clinics and leading efforts to provide holistic services to empower immigrant patients to participate actively in their care.
Passionate about education, Pavitra continues to publish, present, and give interviews on her work in healthcare innovation and global health, speaking at conferences globally and at several US universities. To learn more, please visit