Peggy Trowbridge Filippone

Peggy Trowbridge Filippone

Peggy Trowbridge Filippone is a food journalist and food service industry professional who loves to cook.

Since 1985, she has written news columns about food and cooking as well as hosted various food forums on several services.

After nearly twenty years in the insurance industry, Peggy left the field to concentrate on raising her daughter and began writing guest food articles for small publications. At the same time, she had discovered the online world and began sharing her advice and knowledge of food on a global level, first as an assistant, then as a host of several online food forums.

Peggy was the Guide/Expert on’s Home Cooking site for 19 years, writing informational food articles, creating new recipes, and conducting tested kitchen product and cookbook reviews. Her recipe creations range from Grandma’s favorites to the latest food trends.

She also works as a consultant for kitchen products and cookbook authors. She currently hosts her own website, Peg's Home Cooking, continuing to create new recipes, write informational food articles, and review kitchen and food products.

Peggy is a born-and-raised Florida native and resides in South Florida with her husband.