Robby Ball
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Previous worked Definition 6
ENJOY - Having a great time exploring this new social media site TSU
BIOGRAPHY - Since February 2000, Robby has spent his time at Definition 6, first running and perfecting the networking dept and hosting and managed services offerings. Most recently his role has expanded to include building our development team which provides the tools and websites that live on the technologies and platform the other departments build and maintain. In the mid 1990's, Robby helped migrate online content from individual dial-in computers to the now common World Wide Web. In 1994, he supported the infrastructure which allowed for the organization of beginner and intermediate Internet User Groups which enabled many people to create their very first web sites. From there, Robby spent 4 years working for The Weather Channel's Next Generation division creating alternative web access devises, like WebTV, Palm, Wireless