Peter Landau

Project Manager, Consultant, and Artist in Los Angeles, California

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Peter Landau appeared in the only X-rated movie to win an Academy Award for Best Picture. Despite this early success, state-mandated education demanded he complete public school. His academic excellence led to a degree in Illustration from Parsons School of Design in New York City, which he promptly applied to a series of dead-end jobs: liquor store stock boy, supermarket deli counterman and White Zombie drummer.

For almost two decades he has worked in magazine publishing, freelancing or editing a range of publications from Esquire, Entertainment Weekly, Bust, Movieline and Gene Simmons’ Tongue to Variety, Adweek and numerous online consumer and business sites. He created content for a wireless New York City entertainment guide, whose launch heralded the beginning of the dot-com crash, and has ghostwritten several impulse-buy books, such as That’s Disgusting (Ten Speed Press).

Born in New York City, he currently lives in Los Angeles with Helena Harvilicz from who he steals his best material under the law of intimate domain, and their three children: Simon, Ira and Ada. He is the managing editor of Handstand, Inc., an award-winning application developer of content, digital media and educational products, and spends his free time picking up after two poodles, one baby and wrangling two feral boys, shucking these responsibilities whenever possible to write unmarketable short stories, novels and novellas, for children and adults.