Patricia Issberner

With the skills of a former prosecutor, (an ADA in Suffolk County), combined with the experience of over decade representing children as a Law Guardian (attorney for the child) Mrs. Issberner's firm has been devoted to matrimonial law for many years.

Mrs. Issberner will carefully listen to each to each soul who pours out their tragedies, as they are welcomed to sit at the conference room table, nicknamed the “table of tears,” for those prior clients who came before, the tissue box at the ready if needed. Divorce can be heartbreaking. The “table of tears” is safe place, as Ms. Issberner welcomes each client into her conference room with empathy and makes them feel at home. Client's feel comfortable immediately and can tell their tale of woe.

Now with a firm that has blossomed into the presence that it is today, she still provides her cell phone number to those who are in special need, and again is scolded for her constant "N/C" (no charge) written next to her time slip. For the worst day of one's life, where is one to turn for advice on their divorce? A seasoned litigator who "prosecutes" a matrimonial case, with her own rags to riches story that will inspire any soul, if a soul exists within.

No mission statement necessary as one word will do: EXCELLENCE. Mrs. Issberner does not accept all clients, nor will she overload herself with too many wonderful ones, as excellence must be managed properly and not spread too thin.

When the time for tears ends and should there be settlement or trial, you will want Mrs. Issberner on your side. A mighty warrior, she was once asked how she separates herself from her work. Simply said, when on trial, there is NO separation. Eat, sleep, drink, BREATH win your trial! Alpha female with a heart of gold, she says: "It is never too late to live happily ever after."