Patrick Higgins
Teacher, Writer, and Educator in New Jersey
Patrick Higgins, Jr. has been a teacher of English and Social Studies, a technology coordinator, and an administrator at various schools in New Jersey. In his current position as Assistant Superintendent at the Rockaway Township School District, he focuses on developing curriculum to meet the needs of today's students, coordinating professional development opportunities for teachers and administrators, and facilitating change through innovative programs. He has presented on topics such as Leadership for Today's Students, Creating Personal Learning Environments, Writing for Authentic Audiences, and Revitalizing Traditional Learning Environments. His focus within the past year has been on introducing teachers to the disruptive nature of social technology and the pedagogical shifts they bring about. He is an adjunct professor at St. Elizabeth's College.He currently writes at Chalkdust101, Edsocialmedia and is a contributor to Technology and Learning Magazine.