Intense Melodic Fitness Training

St. Louis, Missouri

Polykinetics: A physical fitness enhancement method designed to improve health: physically, mentally and emotionally through the means of music and simplistic movements.

  • Poly - unk. --meaning "much" or "many"; used in the formation of compound words.
  • Kinetics kə-ˈne-tiks also kī- - noun plural. --1.a.) branch of science that deals with the effects of forces upon the motions of material bodies or with changes in a physical or chemical system --b.) :the rate of change in such a system. 2.) the mechanism by which a physical or chemical change is effected


  1. Moves: Stemming from basic calisthenics, yoga, martial arts and dance. --Consecutively engaging multiple areas of the body concurrently to a given tempo or beat.
  2. Music: A universal connector and vital medium in "syncing" the mind to the body; responsible for "emotionally-charging" the moves in terms of overall intensity and difficulty.
  3. Mentality: No pain in vain; physically, emotionally or mentally. Utilizing both, positive and/or negative "charges" from the mind in order to cause a physically beneficial effect on the body. Also known to researchers as, "intense [melodic] training".

Polykinetics is designed to be the ultimate in fitness simplicity; ultimately by simplify the process, it in return, magnifies the benefits. --Always complimenting, never complicating! And quickly being known to fans, followers and skeptics alike as, ".....the Rubik's cube of physical fitness"

  • Work
    • Fitness Instructor
  • Education
    • Martial arts
    • Music
    • Dance
    • Physics
    • Neuroscience