Priority Dentistry

Dentist in 4860 Hurry Street Hartwood, VA 22471

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Priority Dentistry is one of the best known family dental clinics located at 4860 Hurry Street, Hartwood, VA, Phone: 540-286-3629. You can be sure about awesome dental care when you choose. As a Hartwood, VA Family Dentists we take pride in the quality of our work. We provide routine dental services including cleaning and dental checkups, we do cosmetic as well as medical dental procedures, wisdom tooth removals, and more. Our Hartwood VA Dentist will help you get the beautiful healthy smile you have always wished for. Our treatment plans are customised to individual patient’s needs. We ensure every Hartwood Family or individual that comes to us returns with a healthy smile.

At Priority Dentistry, we are committed to assisting our patients anytime they require assistance. This involves delivering same-day emergency dentistry services to all current customers, as well as treating new patients on the same day they call.

If you suddenly have tooth discomfort, it’s likely that you have an infection that has formed over time as a result of poor oral hygiene.

Nonetheless, floss around your tooth to make sure it’s not just some food particles. If your pain persists, please contact our office straight away. To stop the infection and save your tooth, we may need to perform a root canal.

Chipped and broken teeth need to be treated as early as possible to prevent the chances of losing the teeth. No one wants a missing tooth if you can avoid it.

When you get into a trauma situation where you have missed a tooth or chipped one, come to our emergency department as soon as possible. We will do our best to save the teeth and restore its original appearance without infection.

If one of your teeth is knocked out, carefully pick it up by the crown (top) and rinse it. Before phoning our office, use gauze to stop any bleeding that may occur.

If you can’t get your teeth back into the socket, place it in milk or water until you can see us. The sooner you see Dr. Byars, the more likely it is that he will be able to properly replant your tooth.

Because it exposes the damaged part of your tooth that was formerly fixed, a lost crown or filling can be unpleasant. You might cover the damaged region with dental cement from your local drugstore to avoid further discomfort and sensitivity.

Many people associate the term “root canal” with fear, but once you understand how important this operation is for saving damaged tooth tissue, you may reconsider.

