
Consultant in London, United Kingdom

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Procorre are professional services consultants; continue reading their profile on to find out how they have achieved their success and why expert consultants choose to place their faith in Procorre.

Formed as a result of a merger between several Swiss companies to expand their expertise, Procorre are particularly adept when it comes to handling entire project lifecycles for their clients. Their advice is available throughout each step of the journey, and expert consultants are on hand with knowledge and experience across various fields to help the project achieve its goals.

Procorre have offices in London, Singapore, Geneva and Dublin as well as offering talent management and various other services across the globe. One example of the diverse nature of their projects is their work in Tanzania, which is in a boom period for upstream oil and gas. Procorre have undertaken intensive research to ensure that they have a thorough understanding of the immigration procedures as well as employment rules. Tanzania and other African nations pose their own unique challenges for expatriate workers, which is why Procorre have formed close partnerships across the continent to provide assistance and ensure business friendly results.

Each consultant must take an exam to test their knowledge of working within their role at a local level, meaning that companies can rest assured that their Procorre consultant is fully equipped to work successfully in diverse environments. They are just as thorough in their approach to other markets, which in the past year have included Japan, The Republic of Congo, Belgium and Poland amongst numerous others. Local knowledge is key, and Procorre put in the effort to develop process which ensure everything runs smoothly.

Consultants are incentivised to make sure their projects are completed to a high standard. Procorre’s Profit Share means their efforts are rewarded financially as they get an investment in the business, further enhancing their desire to succeed. In addition, their exclusive Project Income Guarantee covers consultants in the event of injury or illness.

For more information about Procorre, visit their website and social network sites.