Robert Wachtel Pronovost
Educator, Makerspace Consultant, and EdTech Consultant in Redwood City, California
Robert Wachtel Pronovost
Educator, Makerspace Consultant, and EdTech Consultant in Redwood City, California
Creator of the award-winning Ravenswood Makerspace Collaborative in
East Palo Alto, California
PhD Student, Stanford Graduate School of Education
Founder, EmpowerMINT
Former Faculty, Stanford Teacher Education Program, Stanford Graduate School of Education
Adjunct Faculty, Foothill-De Anza College District
CUE Gold Disk, 2020
ISTE Emerging Leader, Class of 2012
CUE Outstanding Emerging Teacher 2012
Google Certified Teacher, GTANY '12
Speaker at:
ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association) , CUE (Computer Using Educators), New Teacher Center Symposium, CALSA (California Association of Latino Superintendents and Administrators), Classroom LIVE 2.0, Blue Valley School District, Reading Recovery Council of North America, Macworld, and others...
Worked in collaboration with:
Stanford Teacher Education Program, Imagine K12, Luidia, McGraw-Hill, MOUSE Squad of California, Facebook, Rock Our World Collaborative, Stanford, FabLab@School, Maker Education Initiative, RAFT (Resource Area For Teaching), and more...