Mike Rogers

Defiance, OH

Married to my lovely wife Pat for 16 years now! My journey is to long to tell, yet I can say I have been knocked down, decieved, and derailed many times in my walk with the Lord Jesus Christ yet by His Grace I still stand. In the past 10 years Pat and I did a church plant in Bellefontaine, OH. Since then the Lord has removed us from the institutional church and we have spent the last four years reaching out to the many decieved by the Word of Faith Movement and the New Apostolic Reformation.

My greatest passion is the study of Eschatology, mainly, the Prewrath Rapture Position. I have spent the last 13 years devoted to it. I love the appearing of Christ when He comes to Rapture His elect Saints and here on Prophecy Bytes I hope you can come to the understanding of the Prewrath View.

  • Education
    • Central Theological College