Personal Development

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The goal of personal development is to create a "human machine" so that humans can operate in an effortless and flexible manner. Personal development is a continuous and multifaceted process that involves self-reflection, self-awareness, evaluation, integration, and implementation. Personal development includes a diversity of activities which all work towards building a person's abilities and potentials, develop human potential, facilitate make-believe employment, improve employability, and heighten the realization of personal goals and aspirations. Personal development can take place over an individual's full lifetime. In fact, personal development is one of the largest activities people engage in throughout their lives.

The process of personal development begins with identifying the gaps in your life that inhibit your ability to successfully pursue your goals. The next step is to determine the behaviors, thoughts, attitudes, and other mechanisms that keep you from pursuing your goals. These are the barriers that keep you from achieving your goals. The plan must be developed around these obstacles. This is where you would develop your personal development plan.

The next part of the process deals with creating a personal vision of success. Your personal development vision will help you define what it is that you want to become. The plan will then involve working towards consciously developing the skills, behaviors, attitudes, and knowledge that you have identified as obstacles, or "the missing link".