Weight Loss Nutrition

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Do You Really Need A Detox Diet Cleanse?

Nothing riles up well-being writers like the debate over the relative merits and perils of detox diets. In one camp, you've got women convinced that 15 day cleanses are needed to flush harmful toxins from your body; in the other are people who say they’re dangerous fad diets that deprive you of essential nutrients (and then activate binges). I was in neither, so I made the decision to provide a detox diet try.

There are innumerable fashionable detox diets out there, but I elected for the Master Cleanse instead of the 15 day cleanse. Sure, subsisting on spicy lemonade for 10 days seemed like unusual and cruel punishment. But it was easy as the only ingredients required were maple syrup, organic lemons, cayenne pepper, and laxative tea.

Ten days seemed like a bit much, so I tasked myself with trying the detox for five. Here is my daily diary of what occurred.

Day 1: Salt-water gag reflexes and guzzling

When I first read concerning the "internal salt water washing" detox that followers are guided to do first thing in the morning, I presume it sounds nice and calming—until I actually read the directions. "The salt and also water will…quickly and completely wash the entire digestive tract in about one hour. Several eliminations will likely happen," says the Master Cleanse handbook.

Day 2: Twilight wake-ups and killer cramps

Stopping my day with a cup of laxative tea is kind of enjoyable—until about 4 AM, when killer abdominal cramps awaken and send me careening for the toilet.

My research reveals that if you’re only looking eliminate unhealthy habits or to optimize your body’s natural detoxification system, it’s going to take more than simply emptying your colon out with something like the Master Cleanse. “To help improve liver and kidney function, you actually want food, such as fruits and whole vegetables and speed the removal of plaques and cholesterol, together with to drink plenty of fluids for example, herbal tea, and low-sugar vegetable juices.” So there’s that.

Day 3: locker room scales

Eventually, my belly cramps and hunger waves pass. My tummy does look flatter, less bloated. Feeling energized enough to strike an evening Spin class, away I go. But halfway through, I rush to the locker room for a toilet break and on my way back, I spy a scal