Richard Simpson
Director in Crewe, United Kingdom
Richard Simpson
Director in Crewe, United Kingdom
Driven by a desire to help companies reduce their health & safety statistics, Unisaas Ltd was created to build a simple-to-use, intuitive Risk Assessment and Audit platform.
If you are involved in Health & Safety you will understand what it means to not have enough hours in a day, and you will also understand the challenges of trying to communicate your plans of improved safety methods in today's multi-cultural society.
One of the biggest challenges in any relationship is communication. Just the tone of voice used to convey a message can be the difference between affection and aggression.
Put yourself on the wrong side of a compensation claim in an ever increasing "blame culture" and you will discover exactly why Unisaas came into existence.
Industrial and commercial environments are governed by health and safety, and every manager should be in no doubt of the implications of an employee, customer or member of the public getting hurt.
Unfortunately what tends to happen is that there is often disparity between management and the shop floor guys; a "Them and Us" culture develops and it becomes very difficult for managers to successfully implement improvement plans.
Our job is to bring teams together and get them talking to each other in a way that is mutually beneficial, and then facilitate the H&S manager to empower the entire workforce to take responsibility for H&S in their own environments.
Whether it's carrying out a risk assessment or reporting a near miss, everybody should be involved in the business of keeping each other and ourselves safe.
The power of empowerment or delegation can't be gainsaid. Nor will people argue or challenge their own suggestions and input. Apply this methodology across a workforce and you will very quickly create a "Culture of Safety".
Our website can be found at or be free to contact me for more information either via LinkedIn or email at [email protected]