Rachel Watson

Project Manager, Web Developer, and Social Media Manager in Ireland

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Hi, there I'm Rachel. (ISOC Tag Index 9b13a9.ibm)

Currently invested in Project "d4w509"

Its grand hope in gateway design

Researching Data Collection on Consolidation

utilizing all areas of smart industry tech,

With an elemental focus on the Optic Aggregation function of Quantum Dot technologies connected to the Bio-Nano-Plasmonics observed.

As it relates to the physics of light illuminating the sophisticated elegance/emergence/conceited arrogance with a trick of the light the emphasis is on elemental hygiene, as it relates to the world’s population,

Developing better ways to connect those people not yet connected to society, through social culture new pathways emerge from the strangest of places.

delivering a better understanding of #rgb phylogenetic Indexing.

The application of a normative, nominated in # indexing as a unique emblem/element , that would harmonize by designed to streamline existing administration systems on any social service. in a system of trustworthy interchangeable parts.

As OPPOSED to double standards in quantum duality services the element of low moral standing that would act in bad faith, on any Interconnected system tasked to disrupt and/or exploit the vulnerabilities of another's user experience on a higher dimensional network within the common laws of physics in cyberspace.

As a #rgb coded object on any platform observed my unique cypher /digital signature is certified and protected through the physics of light against migrating parasites and/orpredator spoofing in the "from:" field in the process of authentication...

<[email protected]>

if you think about it for a moment as you drift back and forth across the dazzling Lagoon Nebula... advances in all areas of AI mobile technology affords the human/non human interface to be DIVERSE enough to know the difference between what's right and wrong?

I don’t expect a response to this post, as it would only go to prove

Alvan Feinstein’s ( ISOC Index 121952.ca) dictum to be true,

In that if some scientific fallacy is demonstrated and if it cannot be rebutted, a convenient way around the problem is simply to pretend that it does not exist and to ignore it.


My mentor "#a5a0a9.ie" suggests,

" You can't fix stupid no matter how hard you try"

So, if you wish to Donate we can try to help those in society a little less fortunate than most, with the Message.

"At least we tried..."


Note: The data in altered transmissions is not privileged ...