Rachel Gregg

My professional work includes composing Tweets for unnamed clients and distributing helpful content across the web. I've spent a bit of time on the back end of WordPress and know a thing or two about Hootsuite.

In my other, online life you can find me getting riled up over economic & gender injustice on Facebook, retweeting local news on Twitter or filtering urban hikes on Instagram.

I spent my twenties cooking up activist antics and art on the porches of Sacramento. Now I cozy down with my wife and fur babies when I'm not hustling for pay.

My midwestern upbringing, Enneagram 8 and earthy Taurean birthday have endowed me with a certain Puritan sensibility - yet, my politics are decidedly progressive as is the company I keep.

I'm holding tight to my adolescent dream of changing the world, it is just the "how" that has shifted.