Rachel Haapanen

Mother in Espoo, Suomi

Read my blog

Hello! I'm Rachel. I live with these two awesome guys, the first being my husband/ best friend and the second being the adorable boy we made together/ my other best friend! It wasn't always that way though. I used to live in Hawaii. Then I met a certain someone from Finland who stole my heart and now I've lived the last 7 years of my life in the magical land of Finland. Has it been a struggle? You bet! Have I wanted to move back to Hawaii? Absolutely! But God has us here for a reason and when you're where God wants you, you're in just the right place regardless of where the location is on a map or where the rest of your family lives. Our boy, who was a huge answer to prayer, has been one of the biggest blessings in my life and has made living in Finland a joy. So we've set up our homestead. We're putting down roots into the Finnish soil. Come along for our adventures...

..."God has made me laugh, and all who hear will laugh with me." Genesis 21:6