Radhika Sharma

Innovation Manager in New York

Radhika Sharma

Innovation Manager in New York

Welcome, I’m Radhika! I'm on a mission to better serve people through empathy, experimentation, and implementation. "Better serve people" = redistributing power away from white supremacist, colonialist, and capitalist systems to POC, queer, and grassroots systems.

I'm currently leading strategic projects at FreeWill to drive fundraising success by day and selling natural wine in my local Brooklyn neighborhood shop by night.

I am also obsessed with building food, South Asian, and queer communities (preferably all at once!) and would love to hear if you are too.

innovation | freewill
wine | simple syrup
board of directors | queer food foundation

strategy & innovation | credera
econ & asian studies | rice

  • Work
    • FreeWill
  • Education
    • Rice University