Rafael Reyes III, Ph.D.
Professor of Theology and Religious Studies and Director of Library Services in New York, NY
Rafael Reyes III, Ph.D.
Professor of Theology and Religious Studies and Director of Library Services in New York, NY
My interests lie in the interstices of Process Philosophy, Postmodern and Post-Structuralist Thought, and Religion. My work deals with methodologies of Religious Pluralism as it relates to Truth and Imagination. Instead of truth as the ground for imaginative thinking, I follow a more processive formulation, where imagination and truth are in flux; truth cannot be understood without imagination, and the imagination cannot be understood without truth. I follow the lines of Alfred North Whitehead, Roland Faber, Catherine Keller, Gaston Bachelard, John Sallis and others, who call for a Heraclitian flux, a turn to process.
My site: http://www.processimagining.com